Stakeholder Engagement | Otbasy bank JSC
Взаимодействие с заинтересованными сторонами

Stakeholder engagement

The Bank pays due attention to stakeholder engagement in order to implement a successful and effective Sustainable Development Policy.

The Bank defines three groups of stakeholders depending on the area of influence: area of authority and responsibility, area of direct influence, area of indirect influence.

The main forms of stakeholder engagement are: joint programs and projects, memoranda of cooperation, joint working groups, activity reporting, meetings, sessions, publications, interviews, etc. The process of organizing the Bank's stakeholder engagement is based on the engagement principle, which implies taking into account the interests of stakeholders at all stages of the Bank's business management process and involving stakeholders in discussing significant topics and important issues, potential risks and boundaries of responsibility.

In order to organize stakeholder relationship management, the Bank focuses its activities on the following basic principles:

  • Respecting and taking into account the interests of all stakeholders;
  • striving to actively inform target audiences about its activities;
  • ensuring objectivity, credibility, independence and a high level of information transparency, as well as the use of financial resources;
  • ensuring open and productive co-operation with all stakeholders;
  • fulfilment of commitments made to stakeholders;
  • receiving feedback from stakeholders on a regular basis.
Map of the Bank's stakeholders Responsible division of the Bank for the issues of interaction with the local community - Press Service, regional branch employees. Contacts for engagement with local population
Meeting information

Due to the lack of registered meeting requests, the management of JSC "Otbasy Bank" did not hold meetings with individuals or representatives of legal entities from 01.01.2025 to 31.01.2025 at the Bank’s central office, located at 91 Abylai Khan Avenue, Almaty.

For the period from 01.05.2024 to 31.12.2024, the Chairperson of the Management Board of «Otbasy Bank» JSC, L.E. Ibragimova, held 2 meetings with individuals at the Bank's central office located at Ablai Khan Ave. 91, Almaty (date of the meeting: 02.05.2024, 25.07.2024, 07.08.2024, 28.08.2024, 25.12.2024). The main topics of discussions concerned solving housing issues, providing assistance in obtaining loans and participating in government lending programs, on Bank’s call centre operations and registration for housing queue.



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