Phone and address
Dear customers, the main services available at the Bank's branches are:
- Deposit opening (HCS: by power of attorney/child; GESS) (except Saturdays)
- Opening of accounts: special accounts for housing payments; special accounts for LSPP; special accounts for National Fund for Children
- Changing the terms of HCS deposit (except Saturday)
- Other deposit operations: merger/assignment/division/cancellation of HCS deposits (except Saturdays)
- Withdrawals and transfers from the current account before 16:00 (except Saturdays)
- Credit counselling and processing
- Change of loan conditions** ( except Saturdays)
* Operations on cancellation/termination by dividing on deposit with the amount of savings up to 1 000 000 (one million) tenge on the date of application are carried out via mobile application Otbasy bank; - real estate portal ‘’, except for cases that are carried out in the Bank's branches:
- when applying: authorised person/representative/legal representative/legal guardian;
- on the basis of a court judgement that has entered into legal force/certificate of right to inheritance;
- a person related to the Bank by special relations/affiliated person; a minor; under HCS agreements with the attributes ‘Special Deposit’, ‘Arnau’, ‘Jas Otbasy’, ‘Gift Certificate’;
- HCS contracts with the attribute of an orphanage inmate;
- HCS contracts under which a loan application has been launched or which participate in state, sectoral and regional programmes or are pledged as collateral;
- HCS contracts concluded before 01.11.2016.
** Operations of partial early repayment and full early repayment are performed via Otbasy bank mobile application; - real estate portal ‘’, except for the following cases, which are performed in the Bank's branches:
- restructured loan;
- documents confirming the targeted use of the loan are not provided, provided that the debt is repaid for more than 90 per cent of the loan amount;
- loans granted under the Jenil 2 programme;
- loan with participation of persons related to the Bank by special relations/affiliated person;
- when repaying the loan only at the expense of LSPP: loans issued for land acquisition, repair and modernisation, refinancing;
- borrowers with account restrictions (seizure);
- cases of partial early repayment with reduction of the contractual amount and with shortening of the period of repayment
You can download theopening hours of the offices here.
Services available in Otbasy bank mobile application, real estate portal : on the link - “download here”
Call center:
300 - free call from a mobile phone
8 8000 801 880 - free call from landline
Mon-Fri: 09:00 - 20:00 (Astana time)
Sat: 09:00 - 18:00
BC: closed
Video call –
Mon-Fri: 09:00 - 20:00
Sat: 09:00 - 13:00
BC: closed
Helpline for fraud and corruption - +7 (727) 330-94-82
Mon-Fri: 09:00 - 18:30
Sat: closed
BC: closed
email address: [email protected]
Bank office - +7 (727) 330-9-300
Mon-Fri: 09:00 - 18:30
Sat: closed
BC: closed