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This year “Nurly zher” program in House construction savings bank of Kazakhstan will help 1 400 Almaty residence to celebrate housewarming

8 May 2019
472 families among them are getting ready to move to their apartments. Their housing is located in Alatau district of Almaty, in Sayaly micro-district. Today new settlers received keys from apartments from Almaty deputy mayor – Mukhit Azirbayev – and deputy chairperson of House construction savings bank of Kazakhstan (subsidiary organization of Baiterek holding) executive board – Zhanar Zhubaniyazova.
-Today all of us celebrate housewarming of our city citizens. Alatau district, where they will leave, is one of new and developing districts. There are schools, hospitals, nursery schools, sport complexes here. And we will give all efforts for its further prosperity so that our city residents can leave with comfort, - said Mukhit Azirbayev.
-Housewarming of House construction savings bank of Kazakhstan depositors coincided with one of holidays – tusau keser. This ceremony is important not only for the little resident of the micro-district, this is also a sign of new life for all, who came together. Today housewarming is not a single one. 1 000 more House construction savings bank of Kazakhstan depositors as a minimum in Almaty will buy own apartments under “Nurly zher” program this year. About 600 more apartments will be sold in the megapolis next year. For this purpose city mayor's administration planned to build 18 residential houses, - added Zhanar Zhubaniyazova.
Besides congratulations the bank and mayor's administration employees helped residents of Sayaly micro-district to plant trees and shrubs in their front yards. In order to arrange coziness they planted along with new settlers more than 50 young birches under windows of new apartments.
The housing, which was bought by House construction savings bank of Kazakhstan depositors under “Nurly zher” state program, was handed over with final finishing and the cost of 1 square meter was equal to 159 000 KZT.
In order to purchase these apartments it was necessary to have minimum 20% of housing cost on bank account. Such are conditions for participation in the state program. The rate for the loan was equal to 5% per annum.
According to outcome of the first 4 months of the current year totally 12 656 depositors of House construction savings bank of Kazakhstan have celebrated housewarming event in their homes, 3 132 of whom did it within frames of “Nurly zher”. Totally based on data of regional mayor's administrations it is planned to hand over for operation 14 220 apartments throughout whole Kazakhstan in 2019. You may learn about all facilities under construction by visiting the website baspana.kz.


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