82% of the interviewed Kazakhstan citizens trust House Construction Savings Bank
That are the Results of substantive reputation audit which was booked following the results of last year. According to its data, products and services of bank were rendered useful to 96% of respondents. The three of the most attractive conditions of activities of House Construction Savings Bank (the affiliated organization of Baiterek Holding) includes low interest rates on loans, the state participation and charge of an annual award in the amount of 20%.
HSBCK acquainted members of the committee on risks and internal control of the Board of directors of JSC House Construction Savings Bank of Kazakhstan with these results of substantive reputation audit of HCSBK. Also within the performance report of the development plan of bank for 2017-2021 results of a research were voiced at a meeting of the Board of Directors. It passed in Almaty under the chairmanship of Aydar Arifkhanov, the head of Baiterek Holding.
According to the report, the operating credit portfolio of HCSBK is equal to 464,4 billion tenges. Nearly a half of the amount or 214,4 billion tenges were issued on interim loans, 149,6 billion more tenges are provided on housing loans.
In 2017 HCSBK issued 41 728 loans of 289,8 billion tenges. At the same time the most part of borrowers preferred to take the credit for purchase of housing in the secondary market. For these purposes 198,7 billion tenges were issued, for purchase of apartments in the primary market the bank issued loans 82,2 billion tenges, for repair of housing and refinancing of a mortgage in other BVU is issued the credits for the amount of 8,7 billion tenges.
At the moment in bank there are 1 081 052 agreements on housing construction savings work. In 2017 opened 352 301 deposits, since the beginning of 2018 - 58 095 accounts. At the same time the most part or 53% of deposits open by means of consultants of HCSBK.
Also during the meeting of the Board of Directors the bank reported on activities of Department of internal audit in 1 quarter 2018, on budget implementation and indicators of profitability of bank for last year. The report for work of the Board of directors, Committees of the Board of directors in 1 quarter 2018 was considered and approved.
HSBCK acquainted members of the committee on risks and internal control of the Board of directors of JSC House Construction Savings Bank of Kazakhstan with these results of substantive reputation audit of HCSBK. Also within the performance report of the development plan of bank for 2017-2021 results of a research were voiced at a meeting of the Board of Directors. It passed in Almaty under the chairmanship of Aydar Arifkhanov, the head of Baiterek Holding.
According to the report, the operating credit portfolio of HCSBK is equal to 464,4 billion tenges. Nearly a half of the amount or 214,4 billion tenges were issued on interim loans, 149,6 billion more tenges are provided on housing loans.
In 2017 HCSBK issued 41 728 loans of 289,8 billion tenges. At the same time the most part of borrowers preferred to take the credit for purchase of housing in the secondary market. For these purposes 198,7 billion tenges were issued, for purchase of apartments in the primary market the bank issued loans 82,2 billion tenges, for repair of housing and refinancing of a mortgage in other BVU is issued the credits for the amount of 8,7 billion tenges.
At the moment in bank there are 1 081 052 agreements on housing construction savings work. In 2017 opened 352 301 deposits, since the beginning of 2018 - 58 095 accounts. At the same time the most part or 53% of deposits open by means of consultants of HCSBK.
Also during the meeting of the Board of Directors the bank reported on activities of Department of internal audit in 1 quarter 2018, on budget implementation and indicators of profitability of bank for last year. The report for work of the Board of directors, Committees of the Board of directors in 1 quarter 2018 was considered and approved.