328 Astana depositors of “Housing Construction Savings Bank of Kazakhstan” JSC received keys from apartments
3 July 2018
On the eve of the Day of capital city the mayor of Astana city – Asset Isekeshev – and chairperson of “Housing Construction Savings Bank of Kazakhstan” JSC (HCSBK) board of directors – Lyazzat Ibragimova – personally congratulated them with house warming. New housing in Astana was constructed within “Nurly zher” program at the price of 180 000 KZT per 1 square meter.
For participation in the state program it was sufficient to have on account in HCSBK 30% of the housing cost. Assuming that one-room apartment after finishing work cost to new residents maximum 6,2 mln KZT, they had to collect approximately 1 800 000 KZT. HCSBK helped them to buy out the housing by providing them with loans at the rate of 5% per year.
-Under “Nurly zher” program totally about one thousand of our depositors this year will celebrate house warming in Astana. Capital city residents can and want to save. It turned out that a large part of today's new residents was able to save on their accounts the initial 60% installment. Also there were such persons, who saved up the required 30%. There is good news for that category of citizens, for whom it is difficult to save up for initial installment. Changes in “Nurly zher” program have been approved and now in order to participate therein it is enough to have 20% initial installment, - noted Lyazzat Ibragimova.
The new residential facility is located at intersection of Koshkarbayev street and Zhumabayev avenue, This is on the right bank of Essil river in the direct vicinity of Hazret Sultan mosque, national museum, palace of peace and concord. Also Astana resident – Dariga Kazhybayeva – with her daughter will now leave there In her own apartment.
-During many years I had to rent apartments. My compulsory monthly payments included not only payment for rented apartment but also deductions to HCSBK. Savings account in this bank was to me the sole affordable way to save up money for own housing. This way I was able to save up 50% of the cost of my apartment. For remaining amount I took credit with monthly payment of only 35 000 KZT. This is several times less than to rent an apartment in the capital city, - said Dariga Kazhybayeva.
Astana takes the first place in deposit portfolio of HCSBK. Accounts in the bank were opened by 155 000 residents of the capital city in the total amount of 110 billions of KZT. And HCSBK performs great work so that square meters will be affordable to depositors. Besides “Nurly zher” program “Own home” in-house program is in place. 560 apartments will be provided under this program in the capital city this year.
Based on agreements with constructing companies people will be able to purchase also through HCSBK 275 more apartments at prices lower than market ones.
All new facilities under housing programs are placed on the bank portal baspana.kz. A housing applicant can view there availability of facilities, which are being constructed, learn whether applications are being received, choose favorite apartment and submit a request for participation in housing buyers' pool.
For participation in the state program it was sufficient to have on account in HCSBK 30% of the housing cost. Assuming that one-room apartment after finishing work cost to new residents maximum 6,2 mln KZT, they had to collect approximately 1 800 000 KZT. HCSBK helped them to buy out the housing by providing them with loans at the rate of 5% per year.
-Under “Nurly zher” program totally about one thousand of our depositors this year will celebrate house warming in Astana. Capital city residents can and want to save. It turned out that a large part of today's new residents was able to save on their accounts the initial 60% installment. Also there were such persons, who saved up the required 30%. There is good news for that category of citizens, for whom it is difficult to save up for initial installment. Changes in “Nurly zher” program have been approved and now in order to participate therein it is enough to have 20% initial installment, - noted Lyazzat Ibragimova.
The new residential facility is located at intersection of Koshkarbayev street and Zhumabayev avenue, This is on the right bank of Essil river in the direct vicinity of Hazret Sultan mosque, national museum, palace of peace and concord. Also Astana resident – Dariga Kazhybayeva – with her daughter will now leave there In her own apartment.
-During many years I had to rent apartments. My compulsory monthly payments included not only payment for rented apartment but also deductions to HCSBK. Savings account in this bank was to me the sole affordable way to save up money for own housing. This way I was able to save up 50% of the cost of my apartment. For remaining amount I took credit with monthly payment of only 35 000 KZT. This is several times less than to rent an apartment in the capital city, - said Dariga Kazhybayeva.
Astana takes the first place in deposit portfolio of HCSBK. Accounts in the bank were opened by 155 000 residents of the capital city in the total amount of 110 billions of KZT. And HCSBK performs great work so that square meters will be affordable to depositors. Besides “Nurly zher” program “Own home” in-house program is in place. 560 apartments will be provided under this program in the capital city this year.
Based on agreements with constructing companies people will be able to purchase also through HCSBK 275 more apartments at prices lower than market ones.
All new facilities under housing programs are placed on the bank portal baspana.kz. A housing applicant can view there availability of facilities, which are being constructed, learn whether applications are being received, choose favorite apartment and submit a request for participation in housing buyers' pool.