Sustainable Development
Sustainable Development

Sustainable Development

Report on the sustainable development of Otbasy Bank JSC for 2023

Report on implementation of the Action Plan for Ensuring Gender Equality at year-end 2023

Report on the sustainable development of Otbasy Bank JSC for 2022

Report on the sustainable development of Otbasy Bank JSC for 2020

Stakeholder Map Otbasy Bank JSC

Nationwide market research within the framework of the Project promoting gender equality in housing finance

Code of Business Conduct of Otbasy Bank JSC

Sustainable Development Policy of Otbasy Bank JSC

The Bank is aware of the importance of its influence on the economy, the environment and society to ensure sustainable development in the long term.

The Bank's sustainable development is a set of principles and obligations that guide the Bank in carrying out its activities, in terms:

  • of managing relationships with stakeholders;
  • of assessing and managing the impact on the national economy, the social sphere and the environment;

Solving tasks in the field of sustainable development, the Bank relies on its mission, the provisions of the Bank's Development Strategy, and uses international norms of behavior and principles enshrined in international standards in the field of sustainable development.

The Bank considers the use of international standards in the field of sustainable development as a necessary condition for ensuring compliance of its activities with the best international practice and achieving the goals and objectives in the field of sustainable development.

As part of the implementation of sustainable development management in the Bank, the Sustainable Development Policy was approved by the decision of the Board of Directors of the Bank dated June 04, 2019 (Decision No. 7)..

break-even of the Bank's activities; minimizing the impact on biological and physical natural systems; ensuring transparent competitive procedures and equal employment opportunities;
ensuring the interests of the Sole Shareholder and investors; resources; respect for the rights of employees;
improving the efficiency of processes; application of eco-friendly, energy- and material-saving technologies. ensuring occupational safety and preserving the health of employees;
increased investment in the creation and development of more advanced technologies;   training and professional development of employees;
improving labor productivity;   implementation of internal and external social programs.
creation of new jobs.    

Principles of the Bank's sustainable development

  • openness;
  • accountability;
  • transparency;
  • ethical behavior;
  • compliance with the interests of stakeholders;
  • legality, respect for human rights;
  • intolerance to corruption;
  • inadmissibility of conflicts of interest;

The Bank also declares its commitment in its activities to the principles of the UN Global Compact:

  1. in the field of human rights protection:
    • The Bank ensures and respects the protection of human rights proclaimed at the international level,
    • The Bank ensures non-involvement in human rights violations.
  2. in the field of labor relations::
    • The Bank supports and recognizes the right to conclude collective agreements;
    • The Bank contributes to the elimination of forced and child labor, discrimination in the field of labor and employment.
  3. in the field of environmental protection:
    • The Bank supports a precautionary approach to environmental issues;
    • The Bank is taking initiatives aimed at increasing responsibility for the state of the environment;
    • The Bank promotes the development and dissemination of environmentally friendly technologies.
  4. in the field of anti-corruption:
    • The Bank declares intolerance to all forms of corruption and other illegal actions, including extortion and bribery.

In order to implement a successful and effective sustainable development policy, the Bank pays due attention to interaction with stakeholders.

The Bank defines three groups of stakeholders depending on the area of impact: the area of authority and responsibility, the area of direct impact, the area of indirect impact.

The main forms of interaction with stakeholders are joint programs and projects, memorandums of cooperation, joint working groups, reporting on activities, meetings, conferences, publications, interviews, etc.

The process of organizing the Bank's interaction with stakeholders is based on the principle of involvement, which implies taking into account the interests of stakeholders at all stages of the Bank's management process and involving stakeholders in the discussion of significant topics and important issues, potential risks and boundaries of responsibility.

In order to organize the management of relations with stakeholders, the Bank focuses its activities on the following basic principles:

  • respect and consideration of the interests of all stakeholders;
  • striving to actively inform target audiences about their activities;
  • ensuring objectivity, reliability, independence and a high level of information transparency, as well as the use of financial resources;
  • ensures open and productive cooperation with all stakeholders;
  • fulfillment of the obligations assumed to the stakeholders;
  • receiving feedback from stakeholders on a regular basis.

As part of its activities, the Bank has a significant impact on the development of regions, and therefore the Bank periodically evaluates the multiplier effect on related industries and the economy as a whole.

In 2019, the total created economic value of the Bank amounted to 85.7 billion tenge. Being a large commercial organization, the Bank contributes to the socio-economic development of the country during the distribution of the created economic value in the interests of the main stakeholders.

At the same time, the Bank makes a more significant contribution to society and to the economy during the implementation of operational activities for the development of the housing savings system in the country. By helping Kazakhstanis to solve the housing issue, the Bank creates a stable support for the development of the state and for improving the standard of living of citizens.

In achieving the goal of cost-effective and sustainable activities, the Bank follows international best practices in environmental and social issues, as well as in corporate governance (ESG factors: Environmental, Social and Governance).

The Bank strives to introduce and integrate ESG factors and a project prioritization tool, the Development Index, into the decision-making process for providing financial support, including by familiarizing the Bank's counterparties with ESG factors and the Development Index.


Due to the nature of its activities, the Bank does not have a direct significant impact on the environment. The main resources consumed by the Bank are electricity, thermal energy and water.

The Bank applies principles and methods of rational use of resources that best ensure the prevention of adverse environmental impacts.

In its activities, the Bank strives to reduce excessive consumption of resources and minimize the existing negative environmental impact through the introduction of energy-efficient technologies, reducing water consumption, reducing paper consumption for office needs through the introduction of an electronic document management system and the practice of double-sided printing.

The Bank is considering the possibility of introducing the concept of a "green office", an important component of which is an information campaign aimed at increasing the level of environmental awareness of employees.


The Bank builds labor relations with its employees based on the principle of legality and compliance with the generally recognized labor rights of the employee.

In carrying out its activities, the Bank is guided by the principle of providing equal opportunities and does not discriminate against its employees when hiring, paying, providing access to training, promotion, dismissal on grounds such as gender, race, language, religious, political and other beliefs, citizenship, national or social origin, limited opportunities.

The Bank takes measures to ensure the proper organization of employees' work at workplaces and strives to create safe working conditions that meet the requirements of the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan in this area.

The Bank has an ombudsman institution to support compliance with the Code of Business Ethics, consult employees, and initiate dispute resolution.

The Bank documents and investigates all incidents and problems related to occupational safety and health in order to minimize or eliminate them.

The Bank provides the necessary training of employees in the field of occupational safety and health, including training and advanced training of employees in this field.


The Bank identifies corruption risks, implements and supports anti-corruption policies and practices.

Managers at all levels of the Bank set an example of anti-corruption behavior to their subordinate employees, as well as demonstrate commitment, encouragement and supervision of the implementation of anti-corruption policy.

The Bank raises awareness of its officials, employees and counterparties in matters of corruption and countering it.

The Bank regularly trains employees to eliminate corruption.

The decision-making process in the Bank is based on the following:

  • commitment to the principles of sustainable development is established by the authorized agency of the Bank;
  • the decision-making process contributes to the efficient use of financial, natural and human resources;
  • The Bank provides equal gender and racial opportunities for management positions;
  • The Bank has established two-way information exchange processes with stakeholders, which will help in identifying areas for improving interaction;
  • The Bank periodically analyzes and evaluates management processes, if necessary, adjusts processes and brings relevant information to all stakeholders.

The Bank strives to apply the best international practices in the field of environmental protection and the social impact of its services within the framework of its activities in accordance with the Laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On Housing Construction Savings in the Republic of Kazakhstan" and "On Banks and Banking activities in the Republic of Kazakhstan" and the Bank's Charter.

The Bank intends to consistently expand its participation in international initiatives in the field of sustainable development, including by joining initiatives related to the application of responsible investment practices.


Charity and sponsorship are part of the Bank's corporate culture and one of the traditional areas of participation in the life of society, ensuring the social, political and economic stability of the territory where the Bank operates.

For the Bank, charitable activities and sponsorship are significant in terms of strengthening the Bank's business reputation and developing internal corporate culture. The Bank considers all incoming requests for charitable assistance and develops a program for involving employees in charitable projects in various forms of participation: private monetary and other donations, each employee has the opportunity to make his personal contribution to the common cause.

Charitable, sponsorship and philanthropic assistance by the Bank is carried out in strict accordance with the Rules of Charity of Otbasy Bank of Kazakhstan JSC.

In 2019, sponsorship was provided to two organizations for a total amount of 3.5 million tenge: to the Public Charitable Foundation "Paryz" for the organization of the Forum "WeMen in Business" in Almaty on February 21, 2019 and to the Association of Business Women of Kazakhstan for the organization of the Youth Entrepreneurship Forum "JAS QZANATTAR - BUSINESS TRENDS" in Astana on February 20, 2019. Also during 2019, a charity project for children with disabilities "Chess for All" was implemented by the Public Foundation "Chess Development Fund", which was supported by the Bank in 2018.

A lot of work to help those in need was carried out during the year on the initiative and at the expense of the Bank employees' own funds. Employees of the Central Office and branches of the Bank initiated fundraising for congratulations and the purchase of food baskets for veterans of the Great Patriotic War on May 7, 2019, low-income families and the charitable family orphanage "Nur" Talgar in December 2019.



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