Otbasy bank's Environmental Policy: Protecting the Environment | Otbasy bank JSC


The Bank shall apply principles and methods of rational use of resources that best ensure prevention of adverse environmental impact. The Bank pays for emissions into the environment.

As part of its environmental policy, the Bank implements the following in its activities:

Electronic document flow
As a financial institution, the main types of waste for the Bank are paper, consumables, and used office equipment. To reduce paper consumption in office workflow, the Bank has been using Documentolog, an electronic office document management system, since 2014. This system made it possible to automate the entire internal document flow of the Bank and to transfer into an electronic format business processes such as formation, coordination, verification, approval of documents, control of their execution, mailing, search, and archiving.
Digital technology
In its practice, the Bank uses digital technologies to hold conferences/meetings of collegial bodies/working groups. Meeting materials are not printed out but displayed on LED screens and tablets. Thus, in 2022 the Bank reduced the use of paper by 18% compared to 2021 (the amount of paper used in 2022 - 53,950 reams, in 2021 - 65,600 reams).
Duplex printing practice
Банк в своей деятельности активно внедряет практику минимизированной печати и двусторонней печати для сокращения расходования бумаги и внесения дополнительного вклада в сохранение лесов и деревьев, решение мировых экологических проблем.
Recycling of waste paper
The Bank annually submits waste paper for recycling. According to the results of 2022 the Central Office of the Bank handed in 1,426 kg of waste paper for recycling and utilization by means of hydrodigestion in the Organization of secondary raw materials. Their expenses for the Bank amounted to KZT 78 thousand.
Responsible resource consumption practices

The Bank is a financial institution with a wide network of branches. As a result, the Bank requires significant amounts of electricity and heat energy to support its operations. The Bank takes energy-saving measures to minimize its environmental impact and improve operational efficiency. In order to save financial resources and electrical energy in the buildings of the Bank's Head Office and branches, LED lighting fixtures with a capacity of 12-60 watts were installed. In addition, during the current renovation in 2023, the corridors of the Bank's Central Office are equipped with motion sensors to switch on lights in case of poor natural light.

Moreover, the Bank in its operations seeks to reduce water consumption, improve water efficiency and minimize the impact on natural water bodies. The Bank irrevocably accepts the importance of careful and rational treatment of the country's water resources. The Bank's Head Office Building does not consume or use surface water, groundwater, rainwater or wastewater from another organization as a source of water. Water supply and wastewater disposal is carried out by the central networks of "Almaty Su" State Municipal Enterprise on the right of economic management on the basis of the contract.

Annual environmental action with participation of the Bank's employees
The Bank regularly organizes events aimed at raising the level of environmental awareness of its employees. In its practice, the Bank organizes various environmental actions to plant greenery in the country's cities, planting trees in the yards of new buildings constructed in partnership with the Bank. During 2022, the "Clean Mountains" and "Plant a Tree" environmental actions were held with the participation of the Bank's employees. As a result of the "Clean Mountains" campaign, the Bank's employees collected about 100 kg of garbage in the mountains of Almaty. As a result of the "Plant a Tree" action, the Bank's employees planted over 40 trees in the public garden in front of the Akimat of the Auezov district of Almaty.
«Green office» project
As part of the implementation of the environmental policy, starting from 2019, the Bank implemented the "Green office" project to unify the collection and utilization of solid domestic waste by using a system of separate collection of solid domestic waste and sorting it into three groups - glass and metal, plastic and paper (jointly with Eco Network). Eco boxes for separate waste collection are installed in the Bank's Head Office. The Bank regularly keeps records of waste paper, plastic, and glass. In addition, the Bank regularly organizes promotional activities to raise environmental awareness of its employees, such as contests, team building events, business breakfasts, environmental campaigns (car-free days, days of reasonable consumption of resources), etc. The Bank constantly encourages its employees to develop healthy habits by refraining from disposable tableware, plastic bags, etc. in order to preserve the environment.


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